WALK WITH ME is an app for connecting, exploring the Bible and praying with young people at different stages of life and faith.

The app provides a more mature Christian with great questions, a focused plan and a simple framework to guide their mentoring journey with a young person.

…we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done.” Psalm 78:4

The app

“The app is easy to use and helpful for keeping conversations flowing, fun, and focused on Biblical truth.”

– First-time Mentor


  • Come Alive! – Discovering who I am
  • Look Closer – Exploring who Jesus is
  • New Beginnings – I’ve become a Christian
  • All In – Following Jesus Wholeheartedly
  • Step Out – Joining God’s Mission
  • Pass it On – Becoming a Disciple Maker

Download the Walk WIth Me app now

Why Walk With Me matters


WALK WITH ME was developed by multiple Irish denominations and youth ministry agencies working collaboratively through a network called TOGETHER.  

Church of Ireland Youth Department / Exodus / Girls’ Brigade NI / Irish Methodist Youth & Children / Scripture Union NI / Urban Saints / Youth For Christ NI / Youth Initiatives / Young Life International

TOGETHER believes that one of the most defining factors in the life of a young person is when an older Christian takes the time to listen, invest and journey through life with them.